oil and gas news

These are features of Oil and gas, industrial and other relevant news

Britain Awards Oil and Gas license Shell and ENI Successful Bidders

Reuters July 27th 2015 Britain on Monday awarded 41 licenses to drill for oil and gas in the North Sea, the government said, with oil majors Shell and ENI among the successful bidders. The awards marked the end of Britain’s Oil And Gas Authority’s (OGA) latest licensing round. They brought the total number of licenses […]

Britain Awards Oil and Gas license Shell and ENI Successful Bidders Read More »

Know how to choose the right engine oil and Lubricants

We have severally condemned people who do not know how to take care of their assets as it pertains to cars, trucks, machinery and heavy equipment, knowing where to go and what to do is important to the continued performance of your assets, wonder why some equipment stay in working conditions longer than others? it

Know how to choose the right engine oil and Lubricants Read More »

Party Over as United Arab Emirates removes fuel subsidies

Bloomberg July 22 2015. The free fuel party may be over as the United Arab Emirates, the third-biggest OPEC producer, will link gasoline and diesel prices to global oil markets starting next month, becoming the first country in the oil-rich Persian Gulf to remove transport fuel subsidies. Business chiefs yesterday backed a landmark move to

Party Over as United Arab Emirates removes fuel subsidies Read More »

The Best Marine Lubricants for your Equipment, Shell Lubricants

Apart from the perceived complications in designing a condition monitoring system, or detailed maintenance programs for expensive assets it is expedient for owners of equipment to know that those equipment are expensive capital that must be kept in good and working order all the time, one of the most important things an operator can do

The Best Marine Lubricants for your Equipment, Shell Lubricants Read More »

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