Hydrochloric Acid HCL Chemical supplier Nigeria

Hydrochloric Acid HCL Chemical supplier Nigeria

hydrochloric HCL acid supplier in Nigeria

Epoxy Oilserv Nigeria is the chemical manufacturer, supplier and distributor in Nigeria, we have large stock of hydrochloric acid HCL in our warehouses across Nigeria. we deliver promptly.

About Hydrochloric Acid HCL.

Hydrochloric acid is a colourless inorganic chemical compound formed when hydrogen chloride dissolves in water and also as a by-product of the formation of chlorinated and fluorinated organic compounds. It is the aqueous (water-base) solution of hydrogen chloride gas (HCL). It is classified as a strong acid, the major component of gastric acid and for many industrial applications. Hydrochloric acid was discovered by the alchemist Jabir ibn Hayyan around the year 800 AD. Hydrochloric acid was historically called acidum salis, muriatic acid, and spirits of salt because it was produced from rock salt and “green vitriol” (Iron (II) sulfate) (by Basilius Valentinus in the 15th century) and later from the chemically similar common salt and sulphuric acid (by Johann Rudolph Glauber in the 17th century). Free hydrochloric acid was first formally described in the 16th century by Libavius. Later, it was used by chemists such as Glauber, Priestley, and Davy in their scientific research.

Manufacture of hydrochloric acid

The vast majority of hydrogen chloride/hydrochloric acid is formed as a co-product like in theformation of chlorinated and fluorinated organic compounds and others below.The manufacture of magnesium by electrolysis of magnesium chloride also produces the acid but this is again recycled.

Amongst other processes are chlorination of hydrocarbons, for example the chlorination of methane to form chloromethane, ethane to chloroethane and benzene to chlorobenzene, the manufacture of isocyanates used to make polyurethanes and in the manufacture of fluorocarbons.

A small amount of the acid is produced by burning chlorine in hydrogen.  Both reactants are produced from the electrolysis of aqueous solutions of sodium chloride (brine).  The reactants are heated together.  The reaction is highly exothermic and great care is taken to control the reaction, mainly, by controlling the flow rates of the two gases.

Both hydrogen and chlorine are very pure, when manufactured by the electrolysis of brine.  The resulting hydrogen chloride is either used as a gas or is absorbed in water in special vessels, usually made of graphite.  It is stored as a concentrated solution (about 30% HCl) and is the purest hydrochloric acid produced.

Application and uses of hydrochloric acid

Hydrochloric acid is a highly corrosive chemical compound and has several uses/applications. Here are some applications/uses

  • Oil production

    – Hydrochloric acid is used in the process of oil production. When the acid is injected into the rock, it forms a large pore structure, which stimulates oil production.

  • Pickling of steel

    – One of the most important applications of hydrochloric acid is in the pickling of steel, to remove rust or iron oxide scale from iron or steel before subsequent processing, such as extrusion, rolling, galvanizingetc.

  •  Regeneration of ion exchangers

    – It is used in the regeneration of ion exchange resins. It is used to rinse the cations from the resins. Cation exchange is widely used to remove ions such as Na+ and Ca2+ from aqueou solutions, producing demineralized water. The acid is used to rinse the cations from the resins. Na+ is replaced with H+ and Ca2+ with 2 H+. Ion exchangers and demineralized water are used in all chemical industries, drinking water production, pharmaceutical industry, and many food industries. Demineralized water and ion exchangers are used in drinking water production, all chemical industries and many food industries. Epoxy Oilserv Nigeria is also a manufacturer of demineralized water and other cleaning chemicals.

  • PH control and neutralization- 

    Hydrochloric acid can be used to regulate the acidity (pH) of solutions. It is used to control the pH of pharmaceutical products, foods and drinking water. It is also used for neutralizing waste streams especially the ones containing alkaline substances.

  • Production of organic compounds

     : Hydrochloric acid is in the production of organic compounds, such as vinyl chloride and dichloroethane for PVC. Other organic compounds produced with hydrochloric acid include bisphenol A for various industrial pharmaceutical products and application, activated carbon, and ascorbic acid, as well as numerous pharmaceutical products. Many products are produced with hydrochloric acid these include water treatment chemicals such as iron (III) chloride and polyaluminium chloride (PAC). Both iron(III) chloride and PAC are used as flocculation and coagulation agents in sewage treatment, drinking water production, and production. Other inorganic compounds produced with hydrochloric acid include road application salt calcium chloride, nickel(II) chloride for electroplating, and zinc chloride for the galvanizing industry and battery production.

  • Other applications of Hydrochloric Acid HCL: 

    Hydrochloric acid is used for a large number of small-scale applications, such as in   food productions, leather processing, dissolving of calcium carbonate, household cleaning, building construction, oil production may be stimulated by injecting hydrochloric acid into the rock formation of an oil well, dissolving a portion of the rock, and creating a large-pore structure.

Physical properties of hydrochloric acid

Physical properties of hydrochloric acid depend on the concentration of HCL in the aqueous solution. Below are some of the physical properties of HCL.

Hydrochloric acid is a clear, colorless solution and has a highly pungent odor. It is available in many different concentrations in water, thus its exact physical properties (boiling point, melting point and density) vary accordingly. The concentrated grade (fuming hydrochloric acid) is about 38% HCl in water. Industrial-grade HCl is about 30% to 35%, while the commercial grade (muriatic acid) is between 20% and 32%. Household cleaning solutions of HCl are typically 10% to 12%, but these still need further dilution before use.

Chemical properties of hydrochloric acid

HCl is a strong, it is monoprotic acid that means it can release only one H+ ion (proton). Being a strong acid, it gets completely dissociated in water to give the hydronium and chloride ions. It readily reacts with bases to form chloride salts. Concentrated HCl dissolves many metals and forms oxidized metal chlorides and hydrogen gas. Dilute HCl can break down or digest many chemical and biological samples.

Health hazards/health effects

HCl is very corrosive to the eyes, skin, and mucous membranes. Skin contact results in severe burns and scarring. Inhalation of the fumes can cause irritation of eyes, nose, and respiratory tract. Ingestion of the acid causes tissue damage to the mucous membranes, esophagus, and stomach.

Hydrochloric acid is one of the most important inorganic acids. It is a strong acid that has so many industrial applications as outlined above. Contact us for high quality hydrochloric acid. We have in stock large quantity of products in stock with the following parameter.

Our packing of this product: 32kgs, concentration: 35%.

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